Cub Scout Pack 24, Salem, MA

Help start your child on the adventure of a lifetime!

Cub Scouting is a great program for boys and girls of all ages and backgrounds. It builds character and promotes the value of working together; while having a lot of fun doing it! Along the way, these boys and girls learn the satisfaction that comes from achieving their goals, and just how awesome it can be to explore and appreciate the outdoors.

A Scout will learn a great many practical skills that you can't find in any other after school activity; all within a safe and supportive framework. The values and skills offered by the BSA are more relevant today than ever, and they start right here in Cub Scout Pack 24!

New members are welcome at any time of the year, not just during the yearly sign-up times!

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Why the Scouting is Different

There are certainly a lot more "activities" to choose from today, but Scouting is one of the last that's a "hands-on" and a non-competitive program. It's also one of the few that still has an emphasis on giving back to the community and thinking of oneself as part of something bigger. Activities focus firmly on the practical: for instance, learning to plan and cook a meal, making a fire in the woods, learning to use first-aid, learning to build things out of wood, and being exposed to the natural world. The way it's structured is focused on self-reliance and character-building, but always within the context of community, country and world.

Learning to be Strong from the Inside Out

Our program is much ore than just giving a series of "don't do this" rules about how to treat others (that many school anti-bullying programs fall back on). Scouting is a program that emphasizes "this is what you can be if you try and work together." It never favors the accomplishments of one scout to the detriment of any other Scout, nor does it favor only those that seem to have "natural" talent or “natural” leadership (like many sporting programs do). A shy and unassertive boy or girl can absolutely grow into a confident and strong leader through the Scouting program.

Growing into Tomorrow's Leaders

As a your child moves through Cub Scouts and onto Boy Scouts, he or she will be challenged to master the mechanics of teamwork, collaboration and good leadership. In fact, he can't advance without displaying these qualities, even if he finishes all the merit badges he needs for the next rank. This theme of leadership and collaboration runs through every component and activity he completes. Though many adults can rightly point to a good education as the foundation for career success, many also will tie there overall success and leadership skills entirely to the Boy Scouts of America. In fact, every president since Dwight Eisenhower, all the way to President Obama, has been an Eagle Scout.

Working with the Cradle of Liberty Council and funded by the John Templeton Foundation, Dr. Richard M. Lerner and his team at Tufts University surveyed nearly 1,800 Cub Scouts and nearly 400 non-Scouts to better understand character development of Scouts. After a two-and-a-half-year period, the study proved Scouting builds positive character and prepares young people for life.

Questions about  girls are being integrated into Scouting? This video from Heart of America Council focuses on welcoming girls into Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA. Watch it, post it, share it. Take a look!