Summer's End: Camp Pawtuckaway August 2017
A great weekend to close out the summer and begin the new Cub Scouting year! Swimming, fishing, exploring and enjoying the great outdoors... what could be better?
Every year Pack 24 participates in the Salem Memorial Day Parade, and this one was no different.
The Webelos "Arrow of Light" Den paid a visit to Salem's Mayor Kim Driscoll in May. She graciously gave us a tour of City Hall, explained it's fascinating history, and walked us through how our local government works. A lot like the State and Federal governments as it turns out, but a bit less contentious, as all the city counselors are of course working in the same city.
Mayor Driscoll along with scouts Darwin, Colin, Azriel and Gabrial.
The end (or near end) highlight of the Pack's activities for the school year. Scouts move up to their next rank, and families get together for a fun overnight to Salem's Winter Island. The Webelos planned and set up a great Obstacle Course activities as part of one of their last achievement requirements.
A perfect Spring day with an abundance of wildlife on display!
The Webelos bridge crossing ceremony is to publicly show the transition, or crossing over, from a Cub Scout pack to a Boy Scout troop. At one side of the bridge is the pack he’s leaving. On the other side are the representatives of the troop he’s chosen to join. This was a big step for the boys that have moved through all the various stages of Cub Scouting, and into the new and bigger world of Boy Scouting.
We wish them all the best on their new journey!
And of course, huge thanks to Sarah and Mary Beth, the Den Leaders who were with the boys every step of the way.